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Rehab benefits. We are here to help you get better.

What if I request or receive assistance from friends and/or relatives?

The law expects that friends and relatives will give you a reasonable amount of assistance without expectation of reward. If, however, you are totally disabled for a period of time, and a particular person gives you assistance over a substantial period of time, and you feel obliged to reimburse and/or have made an agreement with them that you will reimburse them, you should maintain a record of the amount of time that person spends assisting you and a brief description of what assistance they provide. Establish an agreement with your friend to determine what type of pay scale your friend expects in the way of remuneration.


Getting Healthy

Your first priority must be to do everything possible to recover your health. Your claim for pain and suffering is secondary and can and should wait until your health has been dealt with. In fact, you won’t be able to settle your pain and suffering claim until you know the complete story on how your health was affected. The earlier you get to work on getting better the sooner you can settle.Stay as active as you can, within the limits set by your doctor. Failing to work hard to recover from the outset is considered by many to be a primary cause of chronic disability. Consider trying to return to work part-time, or with partial duties, as early as possible. You are your own best ally in getting healthy.


Why is it important to see my doctor?

There are obvious and not so obvious reasons to visit your doctor.The obvious reason is that a doctor will be able to assess your injuries and provide or recommend the treatment to help you recover. A doctor will also be able to provide notes for ICBC purposes. It is important to visit your doctor regularly, at least once every two months.The less obvious reason has to do with record keeping. Every time you go to your doctor because of your injury, he or she makes a record of the reason for the visit, your medical assessment and any prescribed treatment. Your doctor’s records will be important to your claim. Be sure to ask your doctor to record any limitation of function at work or in your activities of daily life – doctors record things differently, and you want to ensure that this important information is included in your records.What happens if I don’t visit my doctor for treatment of my injuries? If you don’t see your doctor, you may not get adequate treatment and may suffer health problems later. Failing to see your doctor suggests to ICBC, as well as to your doctor in some cases, that you did not suffer a personal injury or that your injuries were not serious. To ensure continued benefits, it may be necessary to demonstrate that you are under a doctor’s care for ongoing treatment of your injuries. Failure to comply could result in a denial or termination of your insurance benefits.


What will my doctor need to know about my injuries?

Your doctor needs to know everything about your injury and how it affects your ability to work, care for your family and participate in your normal activities. Some people are shy when it comes to discussing the details of their injury, others may not like to look weak, and others might skip over certain problems.It’s in your best interest at all times to be absolutely honest and accurate about what you are experiencing. It is important to describe accurately the difficulties you have after the accident, making sure that you are consistent in the way you describe your injuries and their effects. Even if you don’t think something is important at the time, if it troubles you, make sure to mention it. Bringing up a problem some time later can lead to suggestions that the problem was not the result of the accident. It is also important to ensure your doctor is recording information about limitations in your work and home life.




If you have any questions or concerns about anything in regards to the above-mentioned scenarios or anything about your claim in general, please do not hesitate to contact our offices.

© 2015 by  KazLaw Personal Injury Lawyers, Vancouver British Columbia

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